On her house, evidently she has gone to work, oh dammit Im late. Just because my cellular phone was turned off. maybe she telling me about some problem with her job. Im tired and go back to basecamp in Visito.net, On visito around at 08,00 WIB. At 08.30 WIB came mr.Rhe my friend, yes he was plan today with me to go to Plasa Telkom to pay his Speedy bill and also changed his quota limit. Than I and rhe to Plasa Telkom that was located in Pahlawan Street.
There was something that was strange, I felt today was really hot. Yes the way go to Plasa Telkom not too far but was felt warm because of very hot air. When entering the office of Plasa Telkom the atmosphere changed, more fresh was caused the room was gotten the air cooler. After completing all the thing in Telkom, Time to go home. Really changed his atmosphere, really stang. Saw the watch show at 09,40 WIB, but already felt like 12 afternoon
What this the influence of the GLOBAL WARMING ISSUE?
In my heart thought this the impact of the negative of global warming. The temperature of the earth that continued to increase made the weather that was not friendly. Realised all of us this was the conduct by human kind, that they feel have powerfull on the earth and all of that contents. Before late why we as part of this earth took part in the contribution and played a role aktiv on fight with the Global Warming crisis. May the Lord open our eyes would the Global Warming danger, at least think how our grandchild's fate in the future. Could enjoyed the life that was beautiful without the existence of the effect of the negative from global warming.
Stop Global Warming.
be Green be Proud.
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